Definition of Alveolar bone

1. Noun. (anatomy) A ridge on the surface of a teeth-bearing bone, such as maxilla and mandible in humans, that contains the tooth sockets. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Alveolar bone

1. That portion of bone in either the maxilla or the mandible which surrounds and supports the teeth. (12 Dec 1998)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Alveolar Bone

alveolar-arterial oxygen difference
alveolar abscess
alveolar adenocarcinoma
alveolar air
alveolar angle
alveolar arch
alveolar arch of mandible
alveolar arch of maxilla
alveolar artery
alveolar atrophy
alveolar bed
alveolar body
alveolar bone
alveolar bone loss
alveolar bones
alveolar border
alveolar canals
alveolar cell
alveolar cell carcinoma
alveolar consonant
alveolar crest
alveolar dead space
alveolar duct
alveolar duct emphysema
alveolar ectasia
alveolar foramina
alveolar gas

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